Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Trojan Shelter Family,
I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with your family and friends. There is truly much to be thankful for. I know I am thankful for my education at USC, the friends I've made, what I've learned about myself, and so many other experiences I've had because I've been lucky enough to go to college.
However, not many people have that privilege. So many college students in Los Angeles and in the nation are experiencing homelessness and cannot experience college the way they should. We know that many college students are struggling to find a place to sleep and eat all while trying to keep grades up.
Click here to donate to Trojan Shelter!
Yes, there is much to be thankful for, but there is just as much that needs to be done in order for us to eradicate college homelessness. Please consider donating to Trojan Shelter so we can provide our residents with the college experience that they deserve. With the money, we will be able to provide a safe and stable environment for residents to study, eat, sleep, and grow as intelligent individuals and as a strong community.
As I told my team, it truly astounds me the power of people coming together to solve a social issue like college homelessness. We have accomplished so much already with just an E-board of eight and a volunteer cohort of 57. Just imagine what we could get done with 1,000 people.
Have a joyous Thanksgiving!
Matthew Lee, Director of Media
For more information about Trojan Shelter, go to trojanshelter.org
To help support us financially, go to trojanshelter.org/donate. Make sure to specify that your tax-deductible donation will be going to Trojan Shelter!