One Year Anniversary


Sent on November 1, 2020

Dear Trojan Shelter Community, 

Happy Fall! November 1st marks the one year anniversary of Trojan Shelter opening its doors! Thanks to your help, we are proud to have served the Los Angeles community for a full year by upholding our mission and keeping our doors open for eight residents so far. While this has undoubtedly been a challenging year, our team has learned how to adapt to changing situations and keep expanding our organization, even if it means doing so virtually. 

Our COVID protocol is still in action at Trojan Shelter, with daily wellness checks and 24/7 RAs keeping our residents safe and healthy. The RAs have held a couple fun events for the residents, such as vision boarding and pumpkin carving nights (seen above)! We've restructured our budget tracking system to ensure that our residents' meals are delicious and healthy, but still within our budget. Overall, operations at the space have been generally smooth as our RAs and residents have settled into the semester. 

During our general meetings with student volunteers, we've formed committees dedicated to working on various aspects of student homelessness advocacy and Trojan Shelter operations. Committee meetings have created a space for volunteers to remain involved with Trojan Shelter online. Some projects the committees have been working on are bi-weekly presentations about student homelessness, fundraiser planning, and social media advocacy. 

In October, we held an Instagram Bingo fundraiser where our volunteers collected donations through their personal Instagram accounts. The donation total from this fundraiser was $3,218! Thank you to everyone who donated and advocated for us. These fundraisers always serve as a reminder of how supportive our network is through thick and thin. Keep an eye out for our next fundraiser coming soon or consider donating via in the meantime. 

As this semester comes to an end, we are planning for the upcoming winter break and spring semester. With a year of experience under our belt, the future of Trojan Shelter is looking bright. Looking back at the accomplishments since we opened our doors is a reminder of how powerful our community is in making a lasting change. Thank you for joining us on this ride -- this is only the beginning!

Navyada Koshatwar
Director of Media 

For more information about Trojan Shelter, go to

To help support us financially, click on the button below. Make sure to specify that your tax-deductible donation will be going to Trojan Shelter!